Securities and Exchange Commission Historical Society


Donors and Honorary Gifts

Harvey Pitt, wearing a suit, standing next to an SEC seal, holding a pipe.
Harvey L. Pitt at the SEC in 1970

Harvey L. Pitt (1945-2023)

Aaron Lipson

James Barratt; Joe Brenner; Mark Cahn; Stacey Chittick; Jane Cobb; Jack Day; Lori Echavarria; Ross Firsenbaum; Cynthia Glassman; Angela and Dan Goelzer; Willis Gradison; Kathleen Graham; Anne Hunter; Ede Holiday & Terry Adamson; Steve & Amy Kroll; Bob Kueppers; Neil Lang; Simon Lorne; Ronald Long; David Lynn; The Macey Family; James McConnell; Mary McCue; Catherine McGuire; William McLucas; Barry Rashkover; Vanessa Ruiz and David Birenbaum; Mary Schapiro; Robert Shore; Lisa Soeder; Chester Spatt; Barbara Sullivan; Tu Tha; Linda Thomsen; John L. and Marree Townsend; Vanda Pharmaceuticals

25th Anniversary Circle Level Donors

This year marks the 90th anniversary of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the 25th year since the SEC Historical Society’s founding. We thank our Silver Anniversary donors for supporting the non-profit Virtual Museum of Financial Regulation.

1934 Circle

Gifts and Grants of $25,000 and More

FDR Circle

Gifts and Grants OF $10,000 to $24,999
Meredith B. Cross

Chairmen Circle

Gifts and Grants of $5,000 to $9,999
Annette L. Nazareth and Roger W. Ferguson Jr.; Daniel L. Goelzer and Angela C. Goelzer; Ronald C. Long; David Woodcock

June 6th Circle

Gifts and Grants of $2,500 to $4,999
Diana B. Henriques

Commissioners Circle

Gifts and Grants of $1,000 to $2,499
Danie Hawke; Aaron Lipson; Zoe-Vonna Palmrose; Lori Richards; Erica Y. Williams

Directors Circle

Gifts and Grants of $500 to $999
James R. Doty; Amy Goodman; Keir Gumbs

Friends Circle

Gifts and Grants of $1 to $499
Andres M. Corcoran; Daniel Kolber; Lisa Toms

Gifts In Honor / In Memory

Richard C. Breeden

James Doty

Paul Carey

Laura S. Unger

Barry Goldsmith

Amy Goodman

Isaac "Ike" Hunt

Ronald C. Long

Roberta Karmel

Meredith B. Cross

Ralph S. Saul

Zoe-Vonna Palmrose

Permission for Use

The virtual museum and archive is copyrighted by the SEC Historical Society. The Society reserves the right to restrict access to or use of the museum by any user at any time.

Users are prohibited from sharing or downloading any material for publication or commercial purposes without written permission from the Executive Director. Requests for permission must be submitted by email and specify the material requested and for what purpose.

Material used with the Society's permission should be credited to: